My Approach
In my 25 years of practice, I have seen thousands of women and men struggling with their weight, energy levels, mood, brain fog, sleep, hormones, digestion and, if that’s not bad enough, being diagnosed at epidemic rates with diabetes, digestive disorders, autoimmune conditions, gluten sensitivity and depression. The list goes on.
I also have traveled that road. And, so have many I love. I know the devastating impact that these conditions have on people’s lives.
My conventional training didn’t have the answers for the problems I was seeing. So I became obsessed with learning about what would work – getting advanced certifications, devouring the newest research, attending medical seminars, learning about human physiology, metabolic pathways, genetics, and the immune system.
So that I can help you. And, yes, because the geeky science side of me loves everything about nutrition and health!
I began to practice in a different way. Looking for the root-cause of the problem before I proposed the answer to the problem. This is called Integrative Nutrition – the integration of natural therapies (diet, supplements, herbs, natural therapies) with an individual’s current diet, health history, symptoms, emotional, mental, and physical state, exercise, stress and sleep levels, environment, and medications, to develop a targeted and customized treatment plan.
And it worked – my clients got better. Now I want to do the same for you.

Image courtesy of one of my clients