Lorraine Love RD, LDN

Licensed Dietitian Nutritionist



Fullscript and Emerson Ecologics are my online supplement dispensaries. I have provided you with easy and convenient access to the industry’s largest catalog of professional-grade supplements – including personal care products, essential oils, herbals, and pet products.

Feel free to shop through the entire site. You will be saving on supplements that are fully tested, effective, and safe.

Click Below to Save 20% on your favorite supplement brands



How do I decide what supplements you need?


I Start with Nature’s Vitamin Pill – Healthy Food

“Let food be thy medicine, and medicine be thy food”
~ Hippocrates

Then, as necessary, I use supplements to better support you and help you achieve optimal results. I handpick each supplement based on:

  • if you have a deficiency as shown on advanced micronutrient testing
  • if you have increased need as evidenced by your symptoms, diagnoses, or dietary choices
  • if you are at risk for deficiencies based on lifestyle choices, environmental exposures or medications
  • if you have genetic SNPS (glitches) that show you need specific nutrient support
  • If you want to optimize your health and aging with the most current researched nutrients

I take my responsibility seriously to recommend supplements that are targeted for your specific needs, are evidenced-based, have validated ingredients, are cleanly sourced, and are shown to be safe and effective.

You will know what to take, why you are taking it, when, how much, and how long to take it!

No more worries or confusion.


Remember that you should never use supplements in lieu of appropriate medical care. And that anyone can have a negative reaction to any substance – even natural supplements.  It always best to inform your doctor of any self-care choices you are making.

Professional Grade Supplements – 20% Off

Safe, Tested, Reliable